About Andon Electronics
John O. Tate, Andon president & developer of the precision
semiconductor socket contact
Andon Electronics makes innovative precision sockets used in the placement of image sensors, optoelectronic and gas sensors, DC-DC converters, batteries, crystal oscillators, fuses, relays, and other electronic devices onto PC boards.
Leading OEMs and CMs use Andon sockets to avoid device damage, reduce board assembly labor, and improve turnaround...continued
Featured Products
Reduce handling and ESD. Reduce Cost of PCB assembly for contract assemblers. Protect Sensors and color array from soldering temperatures and cleaning solution damage.
View our Optoelectronic & Gas Sensor Catalog
Andon Electronics has developed a multi-functional socket for the Kodak Image Sensor, KAI-08050, using our unique Senstac™ contact specifically designed for image sensor devices. Andon sockets provide high reliability.
• Solder preforms provide accurate solder volume/thickness/diameter and accurate placement
• Solder preforms eliminate need to apply flux or solder paste stencils
• Placement of solder preform under head of socket terminal provides low profile
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